
Paleo Brownies

It's been a little over a week now and I'm still staying strong! I'm not saying it hasn't been hard, because it has been really, really hard. There have been many times when I wanted to just throw in the towel and make myself a cheesy quesadilla but somehow I've managed not to.

That being said, I was pretty sick this last week with some weird head cold or something. About half way through the week I finally caved and had some cough drops. They were almost 100% Paleo, except for the fact that they contained soy. Weird right?

Anyway, I realized that I really need to find a good dessert recipe for when the cravings hit. So I googled Paleo brownies and I found the best recipe! The original recipe is here, and I definitely recommend checking out this guys website. I was not expecting this to turn out that great, because when it comes to desserts the more unhealthy the better (in my opinion). That being said, it turned out amazing!! I actually really liked it!

I will say that next time I make it I'm going to add some stevia, and I'm going to try and find some sort of paleo chocolate syrup to drizzle on the top. I'm also going to look for some kind of Paleo ice cream recipe because that would be awesome!

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