
The 100

This TV show is fairly new, having started in March of 2014. I just started watching it about a week ago and OF COURSE I binge-watched the crap out of it so I'm already caught up haha. The story line is set in the future, after humans have so destroyed the earth that they have to live on a spaceship called the Ark. However, their oxygen supply is dwindling and they have to find a way to save themselves. They send down 100 prisoners, children and teens, to see if the Earth is inhabitable. Not only are they able to survive there, but they are not alone. I don't want to give too much away, so I'll leave it at that. It is quite intense as far as violence, but it's not gory exactly. There are also a few sex scenes but they don't actually show anything too graphic. As the show progresses it does get more intense, so I mean I wouldn't watch it with my grandmother or anything. Unless your grandma is super chill and is like, "Bring it on!"

I rate this show: Love It

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